Announcements & Upcoming Events

Hymn Sing | Join us the evening of Friday, May 3rd in the sanctuary for a Hymn Sing from from 6-7pm! We'll sing old hymns, new hymns and everything in between. While not a formal service, it'll be a great time lifting up the Lord's praise in song together. Let Mac know if you have any questions.

Parish Group Takeover | Save the date for a parish group takeover on Saturday, May 4th. This will be a time for all parish groups to meet together at the same time and same location to “take it over” for fellowship and fun. This time we’re planning to “takeover” The Pitch which has food, pickle ball, and all kinds of fun. There’s no agenda, just a gathering of parish community. Make sure to represent your parish group by showing up! More details to come.

Grace Teens Movie Night Fundraiser | Church join us May 26th @6:30PM for a movie night fundraiser in the Gym. All proceeds will go towards our Student Ministry Summer Retreats and provide scholarships for those who would otherwise not be able to participate! If you cannot attend please consider giving towards the Student Scholarship Fund through our giving page on the website. Thank you for your support!

VBS Registration | Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School, happening June 24-27 from 9am-12pm. This is for all rising Kinder-5th graders. We especially need Adult Volunteers and Youth Helpers (6th-12th grade)! RSVP here and reach out to Laura Perez with any questions. We can't wait to welcome you to a fun week of VBS this June!

Ongoing Events & Programs



Worship Service

Children's Ministry

Young Adults' Lunch

Student Ministry


Men’s Bible study (7 am at Central Market)

Reach out to Eric Buescher for info.


Women’s evening Bible study (will resume in the fall)


Women’s morning Bible study (will resume in the fall)


Women’s prayer group (7 am on Zoom)

Reach out to Jeanette Sands for info.


Parish Groups